Monday, August 4, 2014

Seno Circles

     To the people of Seno, a Seno Circle is more than a power source, it is a symbol of life and unity. For each circle represents the individual and the lines connecting to other circles represent a strong bond between friends and family The lines that branch off of the individual circles, represent all of the ties one shares with the world; no matter how many persons one think they know, they are all connected. For the reason why each set comes in three is because it represents the first three tribes: Seno, Meno, and Onk. It then goes on to symbolize the galactic trinity that is shared amongst the people of Seno. Alas, a power source not only for survival, but a tool to remind us all.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Understanding the senation paradigm

     When understanding another culture it is important to suspend the views that one comes from so that one can start understanding that culture on a neutral basis. However, coming to comprehend a completely fictional culture it is perhaps even more difficult to look at it at a neutral basis. This is because not only does one need to comprehend an imaginative culture, but also suspend disbelief in deciding whether or not such a people could actually exist. So like a piece of any fictional work, the believability of something is very dependent on one's ability to relate to the culture. Therefore, it is dependent on the creator of said imaginative culture to provide enough "evidence" to make the onlookers believe in the possibility of such events, or at least be able to suspend their disbelief.
     Seno then is not just a fictional culture, but also its own paradigm providing its own lens of viewing things such as: the human condition, pain and suffering, and death. However, within the bounds of the literature, their exist the various paradigms of the characters, but still there remains a standard that runs throughout due to the writers own point of view. Alas, it is evident that they are manufactured paradigms to fit these desires of the author, but by doing so it allows the characters to become real. So next will be a discussion of the people of Seno's role in interacting with the world.
     The main root of focus for the people of Seno's is their relation to the elements. From the discovery of being able to manipulate them to the various establishments of the twelve tribes to the various conflicts caused by them. Nonetheless these people's point of view in response to what relation they have with the elements is not to be led to the assumption of various archetypes of characters and rational grouping, but rather to allow personal and life choices concerning the element matter. In other words, just because one is a water worker, doesn't make them solemn or quiet; just as being from a certain culture doesn't make one loud. Although, archetypes are used to help establish as realistic perspective, the "senation paradigm" is one of constant change, challenge to the norm, and death and rebirth. Of course this is only part of the whole of the senation paradigm, but here is a general look into the spine into all of Seno. This concept will then become more clear as one delves into the literature provided.

Friday, August 1, 2014

The 12 tribes of Seno

     Now it came to pass when the sons of the ancestors of Seno came of age to establish families. These families grew into what became the twelve tribes of Seno. Each tribe named accordingly to the son who founded it. The twelve tribes are listed in birth order of the sons: The first tribe Seno, the second tribe Meno, the third tribe Onk, the fourth tribe Tristar, the fifth tribe Hochli, the sixth tribe Drshtee, the seventh tribe Ultimere, the eighth tribe Firoi, the  tribe Mani, the tenth tribe Seltai, the eleventh tribe Ramtai, and the twelfth Gotai.
      Each of these tribes represent an element in which all members of that tribe are able to manipulate. Alas, The tribes of Seno, Meno, Onk, and a portion of the members of the Gotai clan are able to "work" all the elements. The tribes of Hochli, and Drshtee are able to work water. The tribes of Tristar and Ramtai work air. The tribes of Firoi, and the majority of Gotai work fire. The tribes of Mani, and Seltai work earth. Yet the members of the tribe of Ultimere are posion/alchemy workers.